In The Garden Module
PLEASE NOTE: The modules and supplement standards/lessons open with Microsoft Office 365 in your web browser. The materials are in viewing mode only, allowing documents to be viewed, downloaded and printed WITHOUT a MS365 account. You do not need to sign in or create a Microsoft Office 365 account, to view, download or print documents.
***All slides in the Powerpoint presentation modules are narrated. You may need to press the audio button on the first slide if it doesn't start automatically. Please make sure to turn up the volume on your computer.***

In The Garden Module

In The Garden Module
Print or save to your computer to fill out electronically, the learning log for the module(s) that you will complete. You can earn 2 CEUs for each module completed.
Review the learning log(s) and as you watch the presentation, note ideas and action steps that you take away from the lesson.
Save completed learning log(s) individually with the file name consisting of your Last Name, First Name - Module Subject. (ex. Doe, John - Math). Upload the learning log(s) to the form in step 4 below. The learning log is required to receive clock hours.
Complete the clock hours certification form below, uploading learning logs for completed garden module(s). You can complete the form for one module at time, for two or all three.
All teachers who complete the certification form will receive an invitation to participate in a Live Q/A session (earn 1 CEU) with Farm to School staff within 30-90 days of completion.