& Students
"Teachers should never minimize the role they play in influencing students’ lives. Hopefully, that role will be positive, possessing the qualities of a “charismatic adult” who not only touches students’ minds, but also their spirits -- the way they see and feel about themselves for the rest of their lives. Such influence is truly a rare privilege that should be prized and nurtured."
-Charlotte Wolfe

10 Simple Tips for Teaching Kids
Ways to Conserve Energy
Even at a young age kids are more excited about learning new things especially if it involves things around them that they can interact with. Use the classroom or home to educate children about energy efficiency with these simple tips.

Click on logos for more information.
Resources for Education Standards
NEED has correlated their materials to the Disciplinary Core Ideas of the Next Generation Science Standards. NEED has also correlated all of their materials to The Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. All materials are also correlated to each state’s individual science standards.Most files are in Excel format. NEED recommends downloading the file to your computer for use. Save resources, don't print!

Games & Activities
The office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy has a subpage to their website to help educators with resources about energy efficiency including but not limited to:
Lesson Plans
Energy Basics
Energy Literacy Framework
Energy Coloring Book
Pizza Box Solar Oven
Spanish Resources
Energy Saving Guide
Efargo challenges local K12 schools to defeat Waste-a-Watt. The goal of this competition is to educate K-12 students about energy use and empower them to make positive changes for the environment and their community through their knowledge and creativity.
GRADES 7-12+
The High-Adventure Science Energy module has six activities. These activities give students the opportunity to explore questions about energy and keep them analyze situations to help them learn the advantages and disadvantages of energy sources. The 6th games directly targets energy efficiency.
Primary - Secondary
Energy Kids (www.eia.gov/kids) is a student-friendly website hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA). The site includes a variety of information and activities about energy organized in several main categories: What is Energy?, Sources of Energy, Using & Saving Energy, History of Energy, Games and Activities, for Teachers, Related Links, Energy Calculators, and a Glossary. This teacher guide provides activities for using Energy Kids as a resource to teach students about energy in a fun and interactive way. Using Energy Kids provides students with the opportunity to learn about energy while improving research and reading skills.

Volunteer Opportunities
There is abundance of ways you can get involved in spreading awareness about energy efficiency around the community. The Sustainable Living Center has volunteer opportunities at Builders ReSupply, Farmers Markets, Grant Writings, Board of Directors, and Locals Events. Call us at 509-524-5218 to see where you can volunteer to make a difference.