About Us
The Sustainable Living Center program was established in July 2005, with a grant from Washington State Department of Ecology. After operating as a 2-day renewable energy festival from 2002 to 2005, the organization determined that a year-round facility was needed to serve the region's growing interest in renewable energy conservation, green building, waste reduction, and other topics related to sustainability.
The SLC has established a reputation in the Walla Walla region as the clearinghouse for information and resources for making more sustainable lifestyle decisions. With funding from government and private sources, we maintain five successful programs that help us achieve our mission of conserving resources for the future, through encouraging and facilitating sustainable living practices in our community!
Our Board of Directors
Click on BOD name to read their bio.
Our Employees & Staff
Our Valued Partners & Sponsors
Click on Organization Name to be linked to their website.
Thank you to our Partners:
BMAC ● Cascade Natural Gas ● Columbia REA ● Franklin PUD ● Pacific Power ● PSCCU
WWCC & WEC ● WSU Energy Program
Special Thanks to Our CEEP Sponsors:
Cascade Natural Gas ● Smith Insulation Inc. ● Alex's Quality Maintenance Properties ● American Air